Get Fit for Free This Year !
Don't get stuck in a rut this year. Dabble in a variety of workouts without going broke in 2017. Stay fit and on top of the latest fitness trends this year with this list of free introductory classes and workout events all over the city. You'll love your new bod and still have enough money left over for a new wardrobe!
Part of Grand Park’s noontime ¡LUNCHTIME! programs, which include concerts lunch trucks and other activities, these free yoga sessions, are designed to be relaxing, rejuvenating and re-energizing. Pop in and out, dress comfortably and be ready to retreat into Grand Park bliss. In the event of rain, yoga will be cancelled.
New Students who live within 25 miles (the greater Los Angeles County area) can Receive 3 Free Classes to use on any of our regular scheduled classes
FREE Adult Intro Class Sundays at 3pm
Discover your most powerful self at Core Power Yoga with a whole Free week. This offer is good at each location!
Get a new booty in 2017! Pop Physique has this check in deal at each of their locations so you can use it once at each location! SCORE!!!
Offer applies to new students only
Power SHIFT is a newly innovative workout intended to shock the body head-to-toe. Whether you’re someone looking to lean out or build strength and power, this is the class for you. Combining the proven science of interval circuit training, Power SHIFT is all performed on our unique spring floor. In less than an hour, using varying levels of medicine balls and bands, this class will have you dripping with sweat, burning more calories and giving you the full body tone you have always desired.